1st Workshop of the EPFL Chapter of SIAM

The inauguration workshop took place in room CM 1221 and began with a short presentation on the Chapter and planed future activities by Chapter President Allan Nielsen. Paris based start-up company :SNIPS was represented by Dr. Joseph Dereau and their VP of Data-Science Olivier Corradi, they gave an exciting talk on how they are using novelĀ AI techniques to make technology disappear. The end-of-the-day talk was given by Kandou Bus CEO Prof. Amin Shokrollahi on the research that lead to the formation of Kandou Bus, and his experiences with entrepreneurship along the way. The workshop was well attended with more than 40 graduate students and faculty showing up to participate. After the main event, talk and discussions continued with wine and appetizers at L’Epicure.

Big thanks to SIAM and the SMA for their support and funding that made the workshop possible!