G-Research Quant Finance Workshop, Wednesday 16th October

Are you an EPFL PhD student and curious about the world of Quantitative Finance?
You are invited to participate in G-Research’s Interactive Quant Finance Workshop on Wednesday, Oct. 16, from 18:00 to 22:00 at EPFL room GC B3 31.

🔍 What to Expect: You will take part G-Research’s brand new cointegration challenge, where you’ll test your strategies on unseen, real world datasets. Play for fun, or bring your competitive spirit for the chance to win prizes! Following the challenge you’ll have the chance to network with G-Research’s researchers over some food and drink!

đź‘Ą The workshop is a challenge that can be enjoyed solo, or in teams of up to three, so feel free to share the registration link with your friends and colleagues.

👉 Sign up now: qrco.de/EPFL2024 (or the QR code in the poster below)